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Grading Scale

Grading Scale

A  90-100

B  80-89 

C  70-79

D  69-60

F  Below 59

I  Incomplete

WP  Withdrew Passing

WF  Withdrew Failing

FA  No Credit due to excessive absences

10-Point Grading Scale - 2016-2017 and after

7 Point Grading Scale - prior to 2016-2017

South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale

  • The State Board of Education adopted a uniform grading policy for South Carolina public schools.
  • All report cards and transcripts will use numerical grades for courses carrying Carnegie units.
  • The uniform grading scale and system for figuring GPA and class rank will apply to all courses carrying Carnegie units, including units earned at the middle school.
  • GPA = sum(quality points X units)/sum of units attempted.

Class Ranking

Beginning with the 10th grade year, class ranking will include College Prep, Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) based on the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.