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Attendance Clerks         

Julie Hunt (803) 476-8704          Jude Coleman (803) 476-8732          


All emails for early dismissals, parent notes, and medical notes should be sent to Paper notes are also accepted in the attendance office. Students have 5 days to turn in parent notes or medical notes for absences.

Dismissal Notes (handwritten or by email) should be received by 2:00 pm and include the student’s full name, date, and time of dismissal. The student should pick up their pass in the attendance office between classes or during lunch. The student will show their pass to the teacher to be dismissed. Upon dismissal they are to come to the attendance office and sign out on the dismissal sheet.

A parent may come in with an ID to sign their student out any time BEFORE 3:10pm. Once a student is dismissed, the student may only return that day with a medical note or a parent present to sign them back in. Any students returning to school must sign in at the attendance office.


According to South Carolina State Law for seat time, a student is allowed no more than ten (10) absences per class for a yearlong course, and five (5) absences per class for a semester course. Absences above these maximum levels mean that students will not receive the credit required by law for application to their graduation requirements.

A note from a parent/guardian, physician, dentist or other recognized licensed certified medical practitioner or legal officer is required for each absence. The note must be dated and must include the date(s) of absence(s), the reason(s) for the absence(s), the telephone number of the parent/guardian and the required signature. The note must be presented to the attendance office within 5 days of the student’s return to school. The reason for the absence given on the note determines whether it will be recorded as a lawful or unlawful absence. A note not properly submitted according to the terms of this policy will cause the absence to be recorded as unlawful.

Student absences may be excused for: illness of the student confirmed by a medical excuse; serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family confirmed by an excuse from a medical facility or copy of an obituary notice; observance of recognized religious holidays of the student’s faith; appearances or appointments due to a court-related matter confirmed by an excuse from a legal official; medical appointments confirmed by a medical excuse; and participation in approved school-related activities.

Additionally, seniors are allowed two (2) absences for formal college visits confirmed by an excuse from the college. Juniors are allowed one (1) absence for a college visit.


Students who exceed the allowed maximum absences will be required to attend our scheduled attendance make up sessions.

Dates to be determined.

There is a $15 fee for each absence to be recaptured.


Parent notes alone are not considered legal excuses and will count toward the total of allowed unexcused absences.

Lawful Absences:

  • Absences that are excused by a doctor or other medical professional.
  • Death in the immediate family (parent, grandparent or sibling)
  • Court appearances
  • A recognized religious holiday
  • Special circumstances approved in advance by the principal/director (teachers do not have the authority to approve absences for special circumstances. You must get approval from an administrator). Please email the attendance office for a pre-approval form.  Forms must be submitted prior to activity dates.

Information on the Attendance Procedures from the South Carolina State Department of Education can be found at the link provided below.